Water Quality Testing Kit
1 min Read
The simple water quality testing kit can measure water temperature, dissolved oxygen, pH and turbidity. These four are the most basic indicators for examining the state of water quality.

溶氧是指溶於水中氧的含量,解氧較高的水域的生態系統通常更加多樣化和穩定。有機物質的分解是導致溶解氧低導致物種減少的主要原因。一般水中適合魚類生長溶氧需要3.0 mg/L以上,為水污染之重要指標。

Step1. 用透明玻璃瓶於欲採樣之水點裝滿水
Step2. 拿出兩顆神奇DO試劑,可先壓碎並加入瓶中
Step3. 加蓋搖晃至完全溶解
Step4. 靜待5分鐘,水質現形!
Step5. 勿將水倒回河川,建議帶回家做紀念或倒在路上自然蒸發

[ Dissolved oxygen ]

Dissolved oxygen refers to the amount of oxygen dissolved in water. The ecosystem of waters with higher oxygen desorption is usually more diverse and stable. The decomposition of organic matter is the main reason for the decrease of species caused by low dissolved oxygen. Generally, the dissolved oxygen in water suitable for fish growth requires more than 3.0 mg/L, which is an important indicator of water pollution.

Step1. Fill a glass bottle with water to be sampled.
Step2. Take out two DO pills, crush them into powder and add them to the bottle.
Step3. Cover and shake to completely dissolve.
Step4. Wait for 5 minutes. Compare the color.
Step5. Do not pour the water back into the river, it is recommended to pour it on the road and evaporate naturally.

大多數水生生物的 pH 耐受範圍很窄,為 6.5 – 8.5。一般酸性廢水會導致有毒重金屬釋放到水中,使其具腐蝕性,對河海和港口系統設備造成損害,殺滅魚貝水生物,使水體不適於遊憩、灌溉及給水。

Step1. 用透明玻璃瓶於欲採樣之水點裝滿水
Step2. 直接加入pH試劑
Step3. 加蓋搖晃至完全溶解
Step4. 水質現形!
Step5. 勿將水倒回河川,建議帶回家做紀念或倒在路上自然蒸發
[PH test]

Most aquatic organisms have a narrow pH tolerance range of 6.5 – 8.5. Acidic waters can cause toxic heavy metals to be released into the water, making it corrosive, causing damage to river, sea and port system equipment, killing fish and shellfish, and making the water unsuitable for recreation, irrigation and water supply.

Step1. Fill a glass bottle with water to be sampled.
Step2. Add the pH pills directly.
Step3. Cover and shake to completely dissolve.
Step4. Compare the color with the chart.
Step5. Do not pour the water back into the river, it is recommended to pour it on the road and evaporate naturally.


Step1. 將黑白貼紙撕下黏在罐底
Step2. 加滿水到黑線
Step3. 比對清澈度
[Turbidity test]

Turbidity indicates the reflection and absorption properties of water to light. The sources are clay, silica, silt, inorganic and organic particles, plankton, bacteria, etc. Impact: photosynthesis of aquatic plants, fish growth and reproduction, interfere with disinfection.

Step1. Peel off the black and white sticker and stick it on the bottom of the container.
Step2. Fill up with water to the black line.
Step3. Compare the clarity