The Secret of the Water Bill
1 min Read



The sewer system is called the vein of the city. It is a symbol of civilization. It can transport household sewage from bathrooms, toilets, and kitchens to sewage treatment plants for treatment, returning clean water to the river, and recycling water for second use.

In Taiwan, half of the cost of sewage treatment is subsidized by the government, and the other half is actually listed on the water bill and is borne by the people. If your water bill lists: "sewage sewer usage fee", it means that your living building has the sewerage which can send waste water to sewage treatment plant.

In many countries, sewage fees are not listed on the water bills, but this does not mean that the wastewater is not treated. In Sweden, these expenses are included in social welfare, which is reflected in the country’s extremely high taxes. In some cities in the United States, sewer-related costs are listed in "public health expenses." Some countries are subdivided into "sewage disposal fee" and "sewage treatment fee", and some are included in "water-related costs". The names are different, but in fact they are all the same, which is one of the keys to solving people’s living sewage.

The next time you receive a water bill, you may wish to take a good look at the content. If you find that there is no "sewage fee", you can check with the county and city government whether your home has a sewage pipe? If not, you can request to have one, so that the sewage generated by yourself can be treated and used properly.